Safe in School & CHF's CHD campaigns

Watch this space for updates on CHF’s recent Safe in School event at Parliament.

We’d like to say a very big thank you to our heart children and parents for their outstanding information exchange with their MPs.

Nothing speaks louder than a heart child’s and parents’ voice.

Now we’re continuing our journey together with our heart children and parents as well as the groups from the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance, in keeping our MPs updated with our united and on-going requests.

These are:

  • The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) to include as a part of their regular inspections, a check of schools’ medical conditions in schools’ policies;
  • And we would like the Department of Education to ensure schools have their medical conditions policies published on their website so that parents; carers; teachers and teaching assistants are also fully aware of them too.

At the centre of this campaign is every child with a medical condition at school.

Keep us posted about the progress of your updates with your MP.

Contact CHF via or via our social media @chfed and

And you’re welcome to find out more about CHF’s own and supported campaigns.

Further information:

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